Connecting tech talent with career opportunities through personalization and flexibility

My Roles & Responsibilities

Client Single Point of Contact, User Research & Interviews, Visual Style Guide, Hi-Fi Mockups, Client Deliverables


Figma, Principle, OptimalSort, Paper Prototyping, Note Cards

Background is a venture-funded artificial intelligence (AI) startup which focuses on serving as an online recruiter for tech talent in the Bay Area’s Silicon Valley. Job seekers can utilize the platform, allowing the service to recruit individuals for compatible opportunities. The primary target audience are software engineers, however, future projects will cater to professionals from all tech related professions.

Project Opportunity

To promote more users to utilize the platform and giving each user a customized career matching experience, a new project arose in which:

  • Weekly matches are given to the user

  • The new match will quantifiably distinguish a rating system for how compatible the match is on a letter system (A to C)

  • The opportunity will display all the quantitative data about the job opportunity and position’s company by the company’s AI.

  • The opportunity will also allow the user to quickly select “Interested” or “Pass” allowing further steps towards the application process, eliminating time to screen to see if the candidate is interested.

The Challenge

The project’s main goal is presenting information to users regarding the job description and company description. The client would like our team to redesign the platform that helps display information in a compelling manner, enabling users to take action on an opportunity.

Pain Points: Initial Observations through Heuristic Analysis & Contextual Inquiry

  1. Difficult to scan and strict flexibility, not allowing users to customize information that they feel is relevant or least relevant.

  2. No proper grouping of information, going against human limitations in visual perception.

  3. System does not allow forgiveness when users select an action.

  4. Visually, the aesthetic and minimalistic designs can be better implemented.